Thursday, November 13, 2008

Silver Christmas Tree Tips and Tricks

Author: Tom Moody

Nothing says Christmas like a silver christmas tree decorated in the family room. Perhaps you can gather the family to sing "Oh Tannenbaum," the German song on a traditional Christmas day.

Did you know that artificial Christmas tree were also a German export? As the century turned in 1900, some German families set up their Christmas trees with the skeletons of bare trees that were filled up with feathers from poultry or whatever else was nearby - geese, turkeys and swans. Some early Martha Stewart perfectionists even had feathers dyed green to look more like a tree.

Do you remember (or have you seen old photos of) the plain metal trees with turning color lights shining on it? Maybe you remember seeing the creation of another German - Addis Tree - in 1950s.

You may not know that the prototype of the silver Christmas tree was from years earlier - from toilet brushes! If you have seen decorations from mid-century modern (new name for old furniture 50s), then you may have seen a version of the metallic tree."

Artificial Christmas trees are known to be safer now for small children and pets than their real counterparts.

There are other benefits. They do not need constant watering or vacuuming up the dark green needles. If you having the tree stored in the attic, you're ready to decorate on a whim.

Buying a silver christmas tree of high quality saves money long term. To make the storage and decoration of your artificial Christmas tree even easier, buy a tree that pre-lit.

The tiny lights are attached to branches - therefore you do not have to disentangle them all trying to get the lights balanced. Depending on the brand you buy, your pre-lit tree may fold like an umbrella and slip right into the box. When you're ready to do each season, you can just pop it open, place it in the stand and add ornaments!

The selection of artificial trees by size and type is virtually unlimited. Even a small apartment or condo can have a big Christmas tree instead of the experiment to settle a small tree table.

Artificial trees also can be placed high on the terrace or porch. Why risk breaking a leg on a ladder or climb the giant tree outdoors to decorate your garden? Keep your lights at a reasonable level and add small and medium-size pre-lit artificial trees at the entrance to a warm and welcoming scene.

You can choose a silver Christmas artificial tree in the same selections live trees - Fraser fir, balsam fir, Douglas fir, pine or spruce. If you really want the colors of the trees, you can always find artificial Christmas trees which are pale pink, light green, blue, gold, silver or white.

Since artificial trees pay for themselves with repeated use, get a little more! Add a tree on the terrace or patio. Place small artificial Christmas tree in each room of children and let them create tree decorations for their staff with themes such as Disney. So you might think about trying a silver christmas tree this year and brighten up your home.

For vital resources on silver Christmas trees and a prelit artificial Christmas tree guide, visit
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